Unlocking the Power of Proactive Safety Analytics

With leading indicator safety data at your finger tips, leadership can now optimize where, how and when to allocate resources to reduce risk and drive process improvement.

Employee Engagement Increase

Measure facility engagement by quantifying and measuring coaching moments, survey results & training completion rates from the comfort of the SafeWork Dashboard

of participating team members
improved lifting techniques

Set standards by measuring improvement in real time, all the time, to create new hire and RTW benchmarks

reduction in time spent
manually observing

Replace archaic manual observations with automated & standardized workflows

“The SafeWork Platform is a game-changer. We reduced time to complete risk assessment by 95%." 

Marisol Barrero, CPE, Manager Safety Innovations & Internal Safety Standards
Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America
Corporate Safety Business Intelligence

Scheduled Reporting

Customized report scheduling puts the right information into the hands of the decision makers when they need it

Facility Benchmarking

Compare facilities on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to spot outliers and make critical decisions faster and more effectively 

Leverage Other Data Sets

Integrate WHMS, HRIS, & BI systems with SafeWork safety data to identify and better understand the risk factors created by bottle necks and high risk workstations 

How it works

Data-Driven Decision Making

Bolster your existing standard operating procedures with quantifiable, leading indicator, standardized metrics - observation sessions, mechanical interventions, job station redesign and other risk engineering exercises are all now informed by wearable data.

Set Standards

Struggling to benchmark facility safety performance? You now have the granular data you need to understand how your employees are performing individually, across shifts & job functions, and even at the facility and network levels.

Build SOPs

Once benchmarks are developed, build a routine cadence for monitoring performance and deploying interventions. Then measure the outcomes. 


Safety Data That Drives Change

Decision Making
Standardized Risk Assessment

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