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The 2022 Industrial Athlete Workforce Report

An in-depth look at the state of workplace safety according to Industrial Athletes

The prevalence of preventable workplace injuries across essential industries in the United States is staggering: The total cost of workplace injuries in 2020 amounted to $163.9 billion and there were 2.7 billion nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported that year alone, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Repetitive motion injuries from frequent bending, twisting and tilting are a common occurrence in industrial work environments, often resulting in strains, sprains, muscle pulls or worse. These injuries can happen over time or in an instant, and often translate to workers being sent home early or missing work for extended periods of time. 

The workplace safety problem is real and exacerbated by increased consumer demands requiring more and more workers to be hired, often with high quotas and little training. 

The technology exists to dramatically reduce preventable workplace injuries like these and ensure every Industrial Athlete returns home safely at the end of every shift. To help shine a light on this reality, we embarked on the inaugural Industrial Athlete Workforce Report, released today.

What it is

The 2022 Industrial Athlete Workforce Report magnifies the safety landscape across essential American industries from the perspective of the Industrial Athletes living it every day. We went directly to the source and polled more than 600 active workers. 

Our questions ranged across various topics, such as safety training, mental health concerns, and the onset of industrial automation. The report is the first of its kind to be compiled and shared publicly in the United States — the results put the emphasis on the Industrial Athletes, who they are, where they live, and the impacts their jobs have on their lives.

What we hope to achieve

Our goal for this inaugural report is to leverage real-world data to raise broader awareness around the challenges of being an Industrial Athlete including injuries or even death, well-being, and sentiment of their work environment.

Effective solutions start with insights, and insights come from taking the time to listen and walk a day in the shoes of the Industrial Athlete to better understand their perspective. 

At StrongArm we know that solving safety challenges begins with designing and building technology with our end customers in mind. Our hope is this report gets a conversation around safety started within your company. 

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Author Profile

Sean Petterson | CEO & Founder, StrongArm Technologies

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