Back Injuries from Lifting

In industrial environments, back injuries from lifting are one of the most common work-related injuries that require time off. They can happen gradually or in an instant, are detrimental to the productivity of warehouses and send good people home injured. StrongArm is here to help.

Our wearable safety sensors and SafeWork System recognize where and how back injuries occur, before they can, giving you the tools you need to prevent them and keep your Industrial Athletes™ proud, protected, and productive.

How Back Injuries Can Happen at Work

Industrial facilities such as warehouses, factories, construction sites and more are inherently fast-paced and unpredictable in nature. There’s a lot going on and a lot that needs to be done, and far too often this results in employees being more incentivized to get something done fast than to get something done right. Swamped by personnel objectives, deadlines, quotas and everything daily duties encompass, one’s personal safety can fall to the wayside. From there, risk of injury skyrockets. Something as simple as awkwardly lifting a heavy object, twisting the spine, lifting from the ground or holding an item overhead can cause a strain in the lower back. These injuries, created by a one-time damage to a muscle, tendon, or ligament, can be career-ending for workers with physically demanding jobs.

Additionally, chronic strains, caused by repetitive movements that gradually overstretch or tear a muscle, are common back injuries in industrial workplaces. They may seem insignificant at first, but something as simple as uncomfortable repetitive movements, high-intensity activities for long periods of time without rest, and/or poor posture or activities that involve working in an awkward position lead to the overuse of muscles and tendons in the upper body.

This overuse creates repetitive strain injuries, which can be hard to notice at first, but can develop severely, causing swelling in the affected area or creating constant, longer periods of pain if they remain untreated. These should always be taken seriously. Dangerous movements and careless safety practices can be a critical hit to an industrial facility. Not only does it present an extremely real threat to the livelihood of every employee who uses their body for a living, but work-related injuries that send employees home are detrimental to the productivity of an operation.

What Causes Repetitive Strain Injuries?

Warmups and stretching, as well as proper education on warehouse safety can be effective ways to mitigate back injuries, but their effectiveness only goes so far. More than anything, it’s essential that Industrial Athletes™ use the correct form of lifting and moving in order to keep their bodies healthy and safe. Nevertheless, when working for long periods of time, proper posture can be easily forgotten, leading to back injuries, one of the most common ways warehouse workers are injured on the job.


At StrongArm, our objective is to keep Industrial Athletes™ safe. The way that we achieve this is through our state-of-the-art injury reduction technology, the SafeWork System. Our wearable technology monitors the bodily movements of each Industrial Athlete, providing immediate feedback to alert them of dangerous and potentially harmful actions.


Our safety wearables are calibrated to detect bad bends and twists. Sensors help ensure Industrial Athletes™ are using their bodies in a safe way so they don’t have to think about it, recording these data points while they work to be used to help create a safer workplace environment.


How the SafeWork System Works

The SafeWork System is your key to complete workplace or warehouse safety. Our proven injury prevention program incorporates real-time, actionable safety data collection into your employee’s workday that is extremely effective in reducing injuries and back pain. Our wearable safety devices – Fuse and Flex Sensors – collect only the most essential information such as movement, noise levels, air quality, and more, monitoring and recording to determine if a worker makes a dangerous movement so it can alert them.

Using the Fuse Smart Dock, the collected data is uploaded to our centralized risk management software where we analyze and generate data sheets that safety managers can use to determine the areas that need improvement. This information makes it simple to create a safe warehouse or working environment, and it is all accessible through our easy-to-use SafeWork Dashboard.

With our wearable devices and safety technology, some of the largest names in manufacturing have seen a 52% or more reduction in workplace injuries. Find out today what StrongArm’s SafeWork System can do for you.

For the Industrial Athlete™

Bring safety top of mind and improve performance over time with wearable sensor feedback and daily performance reminder.

For Your Supervisors

Manage team participation, trends in performance and leverage real-world information for meaningful interventions.

For Business Stakeholders

Analytics to prevent injury, power decisions and provide deep insight to organizational impact and opportunities.

Gather insight into workplace safety using the SafeWork System. Data collection allows you to optimize your warehouses, manufacturing centers and other facilities by minimizing workplace injuries and shining a light on problem areas.


Each client receives individualized attention. Data collection and analysis are essential to this process, so we release datasheets to you when you need them, helping you determine the areas that need the most help.


Our SafeWork System Activation Program can show you how effective data benchmarking can be in stopping injuries before they happen. For just one day, our team will bring our pioneering workplace safety solution directly to you. Workers will get to test out our safety sensors and receive real-time ergonomic safety alerts. At the end of the day, management will receive a report showing intervention opportunities.

Contact StrongArm Technologies Today to Request a Trial of the SafeWork System

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