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3 Takeaways From the National Safety Council’s Congress & Expo 2021

Safety SaaS for the win, the plight of employee turnover and more impressions from the showroom floor.

The annual National Safety Council (NSC) Congress & Expo conference is always circled in our itinerary. NSC is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate. They represent the future of safety leadership in the workplace, and they champion the values to be bold, to be impactful, and, most importantly, to be safe. In a multitude of ways, their core beliefs align with ours; to create a better future for the Industrial Athlete.

This year, we sponsored a booth and hosted two presentations at the Technology Pavilion with our sales managers, Connor Riley and Ben Solaski.

Here are a few of their takeaways from this years’ conference:

1. Leading Data for the Win. The showroom floor was littered with innovative hardware safety solutions, but one thing became clear the more people we chatted with: Protecting against a preventable injury and preventing an injury from occurring in the first place represents a critical opportunity in the space. Leading-indicator safety data, the core of our platform, was a major focus of the conference. 

2. Employee Turnover is a Serious Problem. This is by no means new information to us, but almost everyone is having employee turnover problems. Hearing from other organizations attending the conference upheld the motivation behind our product and our beliefs, and taught us that we can do more to directly address that as an organizational issue. There are lots of companies that are still unaware that technology like ours exists to quantify and mitigate ergonomic risk, so the more we work to educate others on the effectiveness of our product, the better equipped we all are to thrive in this pandemic/post-pandemic world.

3. Safety is All About SaaS. With the exception of a few other companies focused around exoskeletons and sensors capturing biometric data, we took note that our emphasis on both IoT-enabled hardware and safety-specific SaaS was very novel amongst the hundreds of exhibitors. There was a sea of organizations selling similar-looking PPE equipment, which only reaffirmed that StrongArm’s FUSE platform – which drives unique data to optimize workplaces and help organizations operate with safety top of mind – continues to be a trailblazer in the industry. 

Safety innovation conferences like this are always motivating because they provide ample opportunities for learning more about organizations in our industry and the industries we serve. The takeaways from this ultimately help guide StrongArm in a better direction for benefiting our customers and other workplaces around the world. Whether it be a better understanding of where we stand, a more complete comprehension of the problems at hand, or greater awareness of the best solutions, we return back to Brooklyn with an arsenal of priceless insights — and the conviction to continue innovating to keep the world’s Industrial Athletes proud, protected and productive.

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Alec Chapman | Associate, Marketing

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